VERTICAL CUTTER/MIXER AND FOOD PROCESSOR: The vertical cutter/mixer (VCM) is like a large, powerful, high-speed blender. It is used to chop and mix large quantities of foods very rapidly. It can also be used for puréeing (soups, for example) and for mixing liquids. HOLDING AND STORAGE KITCHEN EQUIPMENT: Hot Food Holding kitchen Equipment Several types of kitchen equipment are used to keep food hot for service. This kitchen equipment is designed to prevent the growth of bacteria that can cause disease. Because food continues to cook at these temperatures, it should be held for as short a time as possible. Steam tables are standard holding kitchen equipment for serving lines. Standard-size counter pans or hotel pans are used as inserts to hold the foods. Flat or domed covers may be used to cover the foods. A bain marie is a hot water bath. Containers of foods are set on a rack in a shallow container of water, which is heated by electricity, gas, or steam. The bain marie is used more in the production area, while the steam table is used in the service area. Overhead infrared lamps are used in service areas to keep plated food warm before it is picked up by the service staff. They are also used for keeping large roasts warm. COLD FOOD STORAGE KITCHEN EQUIPMENT: The quality of the food you serve depends to a great degree on refrigeration kitchen equipment. By keeping foods cold, usually below 40oF (5oC), the refrigerator (known in the trade as the ‘cooler’ or the ‘box’) guards against spoilage and bacterial growth. Freezers are used to hold foods for longer times, or to store foods purchased in frozen form. There are so many sizes, models, and designs of refrigeration equipment that it would be futile to try to describe them all. To enable refrigerators and freezers to work at top efficiency, observe the following rules: Place items far enough apart and away from inside walls of refrigerator so that cold air can circulate. Freezers, on the other hand, work most efficiently when they are full. Keep the door closed as much as possible. When storing or removing an item, do it quickly and shut the door. Keep stored foods well wrapped or covered, to prevent drying and transfer of odours. Keep refrigerators spotlessly clean.
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